Corporate Coaching
My Skills and Qualifications
Roland Brunner
Technical Expertise
Cost Management
Performance Improvement
Managing Change and Transformation
Management Skills and Development
Project Scenarios
Roland Brunner
Corporate Coaching
Management Skills and Development

What has happened over and over again in organisations, the best workers became supervisors, good supervisors got promoted to be managers, others to directors, etc. The result was that without training skilled people suddenly underperformed and did not meet what was being expected. This is especially true when it comes to team management and could comprise the following problems:

- Applying appraisal systems (development, implementation, and the actual appraisal),
- Giving positive and negative feedback,
- Conducting review meetings (effective and efficient meetings),
- Motivating staff,
- Leadership versus management,
- Delegation techniques,
- Management tools (reports, KPI's), and
- Organisational realignment within the team (ideal organisation, team size, direct and indirect reports).

Or, a different scenario: Wherever people are there is conflict and one is confronting one another. That is pretty normal and our day-to-day business. The problem though is:

- Many managers and executives do not like to confront and prefer to procrastinate till it might be too late,
- If they finally do it they might do it absolutely wrongly with a different, often negative, outcome than originally desired, or
- They possibly make enemies within the company, gain a bad reputation being known as bossy, ruthless, or even weak and without empathy.

In other cases a coach is being hired after an appraisal where it became apparent that special areas in someone's personal development need attention. A bad appraisal is normally the case when both, the appraiser's and the appraisee's expectations about performance and the job content do not meet. Among many, areas of focus for the appraisee can be:

- Management style,
- Management tools and systems,
- Communication patterns,
- Dealing with stress,
- Time management,
- Career development within the organisation, etc.

As management coach I would help my clients to improve in the focused areas quickly and effectively. Together, I would work out personal improvement plans and develop tools, behaviours or activities so everyone can reach their goals successfully.

Roland Brunner (Corporate Coaching - Management Consulting)

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