Corporate Coaching
My Skills and Qualifications
Roland Brunner
Technical Expertise
Cost Management
Performance Improvement
Managing Change and Transformation
Management Skills and Development
Project Scenarios
Roland Brunner
Corporate Coaching
My Skills and Qualifications

My skills set is all directed towards improving non-ideal situations; these can be processes, procedures, organisations, people's behaviours, anything really which would result in financial and non-financial benefits for my clients.

But of course, my skills can also be applied to create new ideal situations from scrap where I would install optimum management systems and tools. These would include KPIs, communication structures (e.g. what has to be discussed when and with what people to ensure a most cost effective utilisation of resources), other management tools which depend on the type of business (such as shop floor control tools in factories, resource allocation tools, "man-loads", or tools for sales enhancement).

I am in the lucky position that I got trained in both concepts of change management - the sheer technical and operational part (the so-called 'hard skills') but also the people orientated one where I developed my coaching and training skills (which in turn are called 'soft skills').  

Roland Brunner (Corporate Coaching - Management Consulting)

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