Corporate Coaching
My Skills and Qualifications
Roland Brunner
Technical Expertise
Cost Management
Performance Improvement
Managing Change and Transformation
Management Skills and Development
Project Scenarios
Roland Brunner
Corporate Coaching
Performance Improvement

These are some areas and reasons for underperformance which one would normally come across (similarity with the page above is not co-incidental but there is a substantial overlap between high costs and underperformance):

- Measurement; either nothing or the wrong things or too little is measured in order to be able to to control and manage the output of the operation.

- Processes; they can be inefficient, not commonly understood, not enforced, historically grown in excess, not aligned with the IT processes, manipulated, differently interpreted and perceived.

- Forecasting & Planning; the "killer argument" is always the same because apparently "our company/department cannot forecast and plan as we are so different and have to react to the extremely volatile market needs every day". From my point of view, everything can be planned, even the 'unplannable'. Any little forecast and plan will help the operation to perform better.

- Communication and Interfaces; in many companies there are no regular review and planning meetings, the wrong, too little or too many people sit in meetings not knowing what to talk about, meetings do not finish with agreed and assigned actions, due to internal politics meetings are sometimes boycotted, they take too long, participants answer e-mails at their laptops and do not pay attention, or no chairman presides over meetings. In the worst case communication barriers lead to non-translation of the clients' demands into insufficient operational output.

During an analysis all the reasons for underperformance would come up through studies, interviews and observations. They have direct impact on the contents of the project plan and the savings projection for any improvement project.

Roland Brunner (Corporate Coaching - Management Consulting)

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